OECON Products & Services GmbH
Hermann-Blenk-Str. 22 a
38108 Braunschweig
Phone: +49.531.35444.10
Fax: +49.531.35444.16
E-mail: info[at]oecon-line.de
Subsidiary Bonn:
Bonn Dransdorf
Siemensstr. 10
53121 Bonn
- Dipl.-Ing. Frank Brennecke
- Dipl.-Verk.wirtsch. Jens Bläsche
- Court of Record Braunschweig, Company registration number: HRB 9748
- VAT ID No: DE 814098068
Responsible for content according to §10 Abs.III MDStV:
- Dipl.-Ing. Frank Brennecke
- Dipl.-Verk.wirtsch. Jens Bläsche
This website has been designed with utmost care. Nevertheless we cannot guarantee the accuracy of all services and information contained therein. We assume no liability of any kind for direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of this website, unless such liability is compulsory under statute law.
All texts, images and graphics and their positioning on our websites are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights.
The reproduction, distribution, modification or public display of the contents of these websites for commercial purposes shall be prohibited.
The OECON P&S has no influence on the contents of third-party sites that can be accessed from the OECON P&S website (www.oecon-line.de or any other OECON P&S owned domain) via hyperlinks and does not assume any responsibility for such contents. It expressly distances itself from any unlawful or ambiguous third-party contents.